Monday, August 27, 2018

Sept 2018 - Chess is Back at Moreland!

For the first time since 2014, chess is back at Moreland!
We will meet on Tues and Thurs from 2:15 to 3:30.
The plan is to start Sept 25.
We had 8 sign up at Meet and Greet though there is no obligation to join the club. Others who did not sign up can still show up

Ratings - All students will start with a rating of 100. Attendance will add 3 points. Wins and losses will cause your rating to go up or down by an amount depending on the rating of your opponent. Why ratings?

1. Students and parents can monitor their progress
2. Students will be able to play someone of approximately the same ability.
3. Students will take every game seriously.
4. I will know when a student is ready for competition.
5. Certain team competition requires me to name the top 5 players in order.

Competition - At some point, some children will be ready for competition. While this is not required, it is an opportunity for children to meet new children from across the Twin Cities and try to earn awards. See the School Chess Association website for more details. Tournaments are on Saturdays at various schools across the Twin Cities from 8:30 to about 2:00 and cost about $20 although the chess club will pay half. You will also need to provide transportation and bring or buy lunch there. I will be present at most tournaments.