Tuesday, April 30, 2024


We went over all the rules for castling.

We also went over moves with pawn including when a pawn can move 2 squares, capturing, and promoting a pawn.

You should be able to answer these questions:

Can a pawn capture two squares on a diagonal? NO

If you pawn makes it all the way across the board can you turn it into any piece? ANY PIECE OF YOUR COLOR EXCEPT A PAWN OR KING

Can you turn it into a queen if you still have a queen? YES

Can you castle to get out of check? NO

If you moved your king but then later moved it back to it's starting square, can you castle? NO

How many times can you castle in a game? ONLY ONCE



Monday, April 22, 2024

The Lesson today was on pins. We learned how to find a pin and how to win a pinned piece - attack it again.

Tournament results. Congratulation to Elijah who earned a trophy at the statewide tournament Sat.

Name  r1r2r3r4r5r6r7 bef aft chg

Elijah W L L W L W L 412 436 +24

Monday, April 15, 2024


We learned more about forks and we learned about hurdles


Ansel Gage110


Thursday, March 28, 2024

My name is Bill Heinemann. I learned to play chess when I was six by watching my older brothers play. I played board 1 or 2 on my high school team. I taught my own children how to play and started a club at Moreland in 1991 so they'd have a place to play. In 1996 Moreland won the state championship. In 1991 and 1992 my daughter Marjorie won the state championship for kindergartners an then repeated as a 1st grader. I took her to the National championships that year. In the following years I organized trips to nationals. Teams from Moreland competed successfully winning many trophies in Peoria, Nashville, Pittsburg, Milwaukee. Marjorie competed in the top section and finished tied for top girl in the nation.  Her senior year she represented Minnesota in the first Susan Polgar invitational. 

Since 2005 I've coached at Moreland, Heritage, Mendota, Farnsworth upper and lower, Capitol Hill, and Salem Hills. So now I'm back at Moreland since 1985. When the pandemic hit, I took a year or two off, then wasn't sure if I could do this after I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. But after teaching chess at Heritage since 2021, I'm confident I can handle Moreland as well.

We're running this through Community Ed. We meet Monday's from 2:15 to 3:15 starting April 8, 2024.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Chess Club Fall 2021

 I hope to resume teaching chess at Moreland after school. Days and times are not set yet, but I'm going to suggest Tue. and Thurs. from 2:15 to 3:30 grades K-4. No cost.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

  2020 Chess

 Due to the covid outbreak, I am currently not teaching any after-school chess. However SCA has gone virtual with a successful virtual chess camp this summer. 


SCA will be conducting virtual tournaments until we can get back together again. 

Merit points will be awarded and all awards will be mailed.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


There will be no more chess until further notice in a effort to reduce the spread of the virus.
Also note that if you were planning on attending the SCA Tournament on March 21, that has been cancelled as well.